Unity in Diversity – The state motto of this largest archipelago nation in the world is an apt description what Go Vacation Indonesia managed to achieve in its almost two decades of presence as a destination management company.

Our strength is having built our own regional network with four branch offices and own staff in Bali, Yogyakarta, Lombok and Jakarta, where clients are being taken care of in a highly personalized way, and always assured of the self-imposed and extremely high quality standards that set us apart.

But even in regions far away from our major tourist hubs, such as North Sulawesi or Sumatra we exclusively work with the same local ground handlers that proove a deep understanding of their destination and the needs of our discerning travelers, since many years, yet being innovative at the same time. Our widespread team is more like a family where everyone speaks the same language, and you can sense it when you talk to us as your partner.

Indonesia offers a truly incredible diversity of attractions and activities for the traveller. A vacation in this huge nation of islands can be restful and escapist, packed with sightseeing and adventure, or even both during the same trip. There is so much to see and do, that it is worthwhile to research all the sights and options with a guide book, or internet sites, in advance of any visit. For further, in-depth counselling, talk to us! We have stayed at your dream-accomodation, sampled the local culinary-scene, and know that very special, remote mountain-top spot away from it all, for a perfectly romantic sunrise-breakfast with your loved-one. In short: Be your own scriptwriter for a pictureperfect dream-vacation and pick us as your director to make it all become reality. Here are just some of the destinations served by Go Vacation Indonesia:

We welcome you to contact us for more information about any of our products or services.
 +62 361 286 333
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 Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai No. 7 Sanur 80227,
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The most popular tourist destination in the Indonesian archipelago. The landscape is diverse, with rugged volcanoes contrasting with lush green rice terraces.

The most popular tourist destination in the Indonesian archipelago. This relatively small (5.632.86 km2) and, besides the very South, not densely populated island is unique for its combination of scenic beauty, lively traditions, superb hotels and beach resort facilities. Its people represent the largest homogenous Hindu society outside India in all over Asia, with only small clusters of other ethnic groups and beliefs. The landscape is diverse, with rugged volcanoes contrasting with lush green rice terraces. Bali’s colourful arts, crafts and festivals are excitingly different, its range of shopping temptations limitless and its warm tropical climate perfect for relaxing on white, gold or black sand beaches, while there is every type of nightlife in major resort centres. Drive through the exquisite countryside to experience the island’s great beauty and explore countless Hindu temples and shrines, every village has at least three, while religious ceremonies and processions take place somewhere almost every day. Don’t let media publications about the extensive touristic development of the last three decades confuse you. Just step a few kilometers outside the few tourist hotspots, and you will find idyllic small-town Bali and villagers celebrating religious festivals like they did a thousand years ago. Feast all of your senses when watching them celebrate the descent of the gods from the mountains with music and dance. Get even closer to their deities by climbing mist-shrouded Gunung Agung and shop in the centre of Balinese arts in Ubud.


Flores, which can be reached by direct flights or even live-aboard cruises from Bali, offers verdant landscapes dotted with multi-ethnic villages such as Luba and Bena with traditional houses, where it is interesting to see that animistic beliefs are still very much present, even though catholicism is the main religion here.

There are excellent roads covering the island from east to west – interesting enough that so far tourist groups are hardly ever seen, and individual travelers predominate. The most famous tourist attraction in Flores is Kelimutu, a volcano containing three colored lakes, located in the district of Ende close to the town of Moni. These crater lakes are in the caldera of a volcano and have highly acidic water. The colored lakes change colors on an irregular basis, depending on the oxidation state of the lake from bright red through green and blue. Labuanbajo (on the western tip of Flores) is a town often used by tourists as a base to visit Komodo- and Rinca Nationalpark. Labuanbajo also attracts scuba divers, as whale sharks inhabit the waters around Labuanbajo. The west coast of Flores is one of the few places, aside from the island of Komodo itself, where the Komodo dragon can be found in the wild and is part of the Komodo National Park, a UNESCO heritage site. In September 2004, at Liang Bua cave in western Flores, paleoanthropologists discovered small skeletons that they described as a previously unknown hominid species, Homo floresiensis. They are informally named hobbits and appear to have stood about 1 m (3.3 ft) tall. The excavation site can be visited as a side trip when touring the island. Sumbawa island, right in the middle between Flores and Lombok, is among those places in the vast geographical region called Nusa Tenggara that you could call the last frontier ob tourist development in Indonesia, but the potential is there, and already waiting for travellers who love pioneering explorations off the beaten tracks, and are willing to accept the limited choice of high-class accommodation. The reward for such free spirits is being one of the few chosen ones to see unspoiled forest, archeological sites, a coastline of numerous pristine beach, and the famous underwater world e.g. off Moyo Island, which is also the only part of Sumbawa offering deluxe class accommodation.

“Flores, which can be reached by direct flights or even live-aboard cruises from Bali, offers verdant landscapes dotted with multi-ethnic villages such as Luba and Bena with traditional houses, where it is interesting to see that animistic beliefs are still very much present, eventhough catholicism is the main religion here.”


Java is the most densely populated island of Indonesia, with 138 million people living in an area of 130,000 sq. km. The scenery is varied, with volcanic peaks, most inactive, though, forming part of the Pacific ‘Ring of fire’, contrasting with rich rural landscapes of rice fields, orchards, and picturesque villages. Indonesia’s largest cities, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and Surabaya, are centres of government, trade and culture, while ancient temples and monuments recall a long and dramatic history.

There is much to see and do in Java, with highlights including “Scenery is varied, with volcanic peaks, most inactive, though, forming part of the Pacific ‘Ring of fire’, contrasting with rich rural landscapes of rice fields, orchards, and picturesque villages”.


Capital city, seat of government, a centre for finance, business and culture, Jakarta, known as Batavia in Dutch colonial times, is also a major port. Sightseeing attractions include the central Merdeka Square with its massive National Monument and impressive buildings such as the Presidential Palace and must-see National Museum. Historic Kota district has Dutch-era public buildings, such as the former Town Hall and museums devoted to the city’s history, puppets and fine arts. Close by is Sunda Kalapa, the old port area, noted for the many Makassar trading schooners which still dock there. Jakarta also has excellent hotels, shopping malls, restaurants and a lively nightlife that falls nothing short of what Bangkok’s club scene has to offer.


Usually visited after leaving Jakarta on a Java overland tour, the cool hill town of Bogor, surrounded by mountain scenery, is delightful. Main attraction is the magnificent Botanical Gardens, 85 hectares with over 12,000 species of trees and tropical flowers, including orchids. Overlooking the gardens is the President’s Palace, formerly residence of the Dutch governors. Beyond Bogor, the road leads over Puncak Pass, through tea plantations and some of Java’s most beautiful rural scenery, en route to the modern city of Bandung, from where tours may continue, by bus or train, to Yogyakarta.


Bandung is located in the central highlands. Located at an altitude of 768 m with the surroundings of lush and beautiful Parahyangan mountains makes the climate mild and pleasant. The city is well known for its universities and being a great place for gastronomic adventure. Nowadays, Bandung has become a very popular weekend escape for Jakartans, so it is recommendable to avoid the very crowded weekends and national holidays. There were many buildings built in a classic Dutch art deco colonial style during the late 18th and early 19th century, many of which are very well preserved.

Dieng Plateau

This 2,100 m. altitude highland plain is reached by a scenic drive north from Yogyakarta. Here are ruins of some 400 of Java’s most ancient Hindu temples, dating from 8-9th centuries. Among the best preserved, the Arjuna group is set in a beautiful landscape. Other attractions include multi-coloured mineral lakes, bubbling thermal springs, and surrounding high volcanoes.


A historic city noted for its traditional culture and intellectual heritage, Yogyakarta is a semi-autonomous sultanate, contrasting old and new. In the walled Kraton city district are sightseeing highlights such as the Sultan’s palace, Taman Sari -water palace-, Mesjid Besar mosque and several museums, one in an old Dutch fort. Worth visiting are the colourful bird market and workshops for batik and silver crafts – the latter make Yogyakarta a shopper’s paradise especially for garments and artwork. Two of Java’s greatest monumental treasures are usually visited as side trips from Yogyakarta. The huge temple mount of Borobodur was build 1,200 years ago and restored by UNESCO in 1973-83. Symbolising the Buddhist cosmos, the massive multi-tiered monument contains many stones carved Buddha images, some within latticed shrines, looking out over the surrounding countryside. Especially interesting are the thousands of sculptured panels showing Buddhist religious themes and scenes from the lives of those ancient people. In contrast to Buddhist Borobodur, the ornate temples of Prambanan are the largest and finest examples of Hindu architecture in Indonesia. Devoted mostly to Shiva, Brahma or Vishnu, there are several hundred temples, in ruins or restored, dating from the 8-10th centuries. Both of these monuments are UNESCO World Heritage sites.


Perhaps the most traditional of Java’s historic cities, cultured and a centre for the performing arts. Sightseeing includes the Kraton, sultan’s palace, several interesting museums, Istana palace, a mix of Javanese and European styles, and antique Mesjid Agung mosque. Local markets are noted for birds, batik, antiques and typical Javanese souvenirs.

“Cultured and a centre for the performing arts”


This modern commercial city is Java’s most important port, a thriving centre for trade and industry. Worth exploring are some buildings dating from the Dutch era, historic Arab quarter and Chinatown. For many visitors, however, this is primarily the departure point or a stopover hub for reaching places like Madura island, famed for its bull races or, via its airport, for flights to Bali, Jakarta and numerous other airports in the archipelago.

Mount Bromo

Included in many round-Java tours is a pre-dawn excursion, by bus, then on foot and horseback, up to the rim of this still active 2,400 m. volcano. Its lunar landscape is rugged and spectacular, especially at sunrise, with views of the crater, which is over 10 km across, with steam rising from its depths. Bromo has deep religious significance, with locals making offerings to appease its evil spirits. Other active volcanoes surround Bromo, with peaks up to 3,700m.

Ijen & Kalibaru

The Ijen Crater (Kawah Ijen) is part of a volcano complex in East-Java that includes the also well-known Merapi (not to be confused with equally-named Merapi near Yogyakarta). Is is inside a 20 km wide caldera and Ijen volcano has a one-kilometerwide turquoise-colored acid crater lake that your eyes can feast upon when arriving at the summit after a safe, yet a bit physically challenging climb. The reward is worth every single drop of sweat you might have gushed, as the breathtaking views over the rugged and seemingly endless lunar landscape is simply put one of a kind. Watch the sulfur miners carrying and skillfully balancing baskets full of the yellow mineral collected from the crater floor all the way up to the rim and all the way down again the same path you are taking back. Kalibaru is located 50km west of Banyuwangi, along a twisting road with dramatic view north to the Ijen area and south to Meru Betiri National Park. Located at an altitude 428 meters above sea level, Kalibaru offers moderate temperatures all year long and a good base from which to explore the surrounding coffe-, cocoa, and rubber plantations. Other local excursions include the waterfall at Wonorejo about 5 km north of Kalibaru.

Karimunjawa Islands – Pulau Menyawakan

The 27 small islands which make up the Karimunjawa archipelago lie 120 nautical miles offshore, north of the provincial capital of Semarang, which is also the only convenient gateway to reach these secluded islands with its intact eco system. Momentarily, the charter flight from Semarang, using small but modern aircraft, is put on halt until further notice. Access by sea from Semarang is momentarily only recommended by the fast ferry operating once a week and taking you just 3 h 30 minutes. Nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts can find here rainforest, stretches of coastal mangroves, and above all, biodiverse reef systems for diving and snorkeling alike. Not to forget the pristine, powdery white beaches, many of which are situated on totally uninhabited islands and make a perfect day trip by boat from your hotel.


Indonesian Borneo, known as Kalimantan, occupies two thirds of the southern part of this huge island (the other part belonging to Malaysia).

The port city of Banjarmasin is one of the gateways to Kalimantan, reached by domestic flights from Jakarta and Surabaya. The city offers a lively floating market. This is a land of dense tropical rain forests, notable for its large Dayak tribal longhouses, in settlements reached by motorised canoes along jungle fringed rivers. Other highlights of possible roundtrip itineraries are Martapura, a town famous for its diamond trading- and polishing industry, rafting on Dayak bamboo rafts along the Amandit river, and above all, using a river houseboat to explore Tanjung Puting National Park. The park houses Camp Leakey, a celebrated Orang Utan rehabilitation centre, where visitors get to see these endangered apes up close. Unlike in Malaysia, chances of seeing wild populations of Orang Utans are very high. Nearby Pankalanbun airport can be reached directly by domestic flights from Jakarta, Surabaya and Semarang and is more and more the preferred choice of visitors to enter Kalimantan. This area of the island has not seen any deforestation as partially encountered on the route coming overland from Banjarmasin.

“The city offers a lively floating market. This is a land of dense tropical rain forests, notable for its large Dayak tribal longhouses, in settlements reached by motorised canoes along jungle-fringed rivers.”


Often described as Bali’s little sister, this neighboring island is within sight from Bali’s east coast, but the overall feel to it is totally different. Its most remarkable and distinct assets are many beaches with white sand (rare on Bali), roads with just a fraction of the traffic that South Bali sees on a normal day, and a nightlife consisting of just a few clubs and pubs in downtown Senggigi.

The restaurant scene is growing year after year with even stylish designer-restaurants available now. Even animal species inhabiting Lombok are different from Bali, because the Wallace Line which delineates Australian and Southeast Asian fauna goes right trough the Lombok Strait, a narrow ocean passage between both islands. Mighty Gunung Rinjani, with 3.726 m the third-largest mountain in Indonesia dominates the landscape. Zig-zagged crater walls, crystal clear waterfalls, and the dense montane rainforest make Rinjani a haven for outdoor lovers and even ambitioned climbers. Lombok’s climate is in many places dryer than Bali’s during the “official” rainy season, and especially the northwest coast is a place worth looking at when picking a place to spend a beach holiday.

“Its most remarkable and distinct assets are many beaches with white sand (rare on Bali), roads with just a fraction of the traffic that South Bali sees on a normal day, and a nightlife consisting of just a few clubs and pubs in downtown Senggigi”

Senggigi & Mangsit

Nightlife and major restaurants are concentrated in the central township of Senggigi. Not a typical tourist resort town with crowded nightspots for socialising or sidewalks endlessly covered with souvenir stands, but all thinkable needs are satisfied here, from pharmacy to minimart to a good selection of places to dine out, plus the occasional pub with live music. Most dive operators entertain their offices here as well, which makes it easy to compare dive packages on offer. Mangsit, just north of Senggigi has a well-established hotel strip as well, in fact, most of the smaller scale boutique-style hotels are to be found here. This goes together well with the tranquil sweeping beach scene with traditional outrigger boats resting on the sand. As a backdrop to the beaches are gently rolling hills with lush tropical vegetation.

Kuta Beach

Kuta, in the very South, has a landscape shaped by cliffs and mountains reaching the coast to create awe-inspiring landscapes and views. Many beaches consist of pristine white sand, and the transparent blue-green waters are perfect for swimming, except a few spots with high waves frequented by surfers – in fact, Kuta has some of the best surfing in all over Indonesia. Kuta has just one four-star resort catering mostly for people looking to unwind, lie on the beach, rent a motorcycle to look around, or to just relax by reading a book or taking a nap in the afternoon. This whole sleepy fishing village ambience will most likely change soon, with Lombok’s new international airport now open.

Gili Islands

This group of islands off the northwest and the southwest coast, are no longer just the backpacker Mecca of the 1980s and 1990s, as nowadays, especially on Gili Trawangan, there are options available to keep a more luxury-minded traveller happy with comfortable hotel rooms, elaborate seafood buffets and even one or the other chic and stylish beachfront eatery. The islands are very relaxed and laid-back, with countless little beachside cafes still playing reggae and, best of all, no cars or motorbikes to disturb the peace. The Gilis to the Northwest often serve as a perfect getaway after an extensive roundtrip tour on Bali, as reliable express-ferries make it directly to Gili Trawangan in roughly one hour. Less known, and only since very recently (such as on Gili Asahan) offering decent accommodation, are the Gilis to the Southwest. The underwater world here is very much intact, and snorkeling enthusiasts are already beginning to discover this paradise. But usually, those largely uninhabited isles are just frequented by day trippers coming for a few hours by boat from the mainland, or even as a romantic setting for romantic beach barbecues arranged by hotels.


This group of islands is located between Sulawesi and West-Papua, and in the Dutch era, the Moluccas were known as the Spice Islands and were the only place on earth where nutmeg, mace, cloves and several other valuable spices were grown.

The over 632 islands are sprawled across a vast expanse of ocean Maluku and are blessed with incredible sea gardens, tropical beaches and rugged, forest-coated volcanic mountains. Ambon is the preferred gateway for tourists, and its airport is served by direct flights from Makassar or Surabaya. The city is the provincial capital and built on a hillside overlooking the bay. It has a number of interesting historical and cultural sites, among the remnants of forts built the Dutch East Indies Company during the heyday of the spice trade. A typical itinerary takes travelers by speedboat to Saparua Island with its busy town markets and Duursted Fort from Dutch colonial times, with its worth to see museum. Excursions to several nearby villages allow you to experience the simplistic rural life and daily routines of the locals, such as sago -processing and cooking. Many animistic rituals and age-old beliefs have survived in these secluded communities. In Waai village, people worship holy eels. Local handicraft is famous all over Indonesia, and visiting the workshops for pottery, weaving, spice- and mother of pearl-processing are always fascinating to watch. The concourse of roundtrips usually includes enough time to enjoy the many white sandy beaches or great swimming and snorkeling.

“Moluccas were known as the Spice Islands and were the only place on earth where nutmeg, mace, cloves and several other valuable spices were grown.”


Raja Ampat casts a spell on all who visit – scientists, photographers, and divers alike. This group of majestic islands, located in the northwestern tip of Papua, lies in the heart of the coral triangle, the most bio-diverse marine region on earth.

The most convenient way getting there is taking a domestic flight to Sorong after having arrived at the international airport of Manado (Sulawesi), followed by a boat transfer to one of the still few eco-friendly dive resorts. In 2010 a survey was done on spot by American marine scientists and the results speak for themselves – here are just a few of the impressive numbers: 1.606 species of reef fish, 75% of all known coral species in the world, 10 times the number of hard coral species found in the entire Caribbean, etc.. A very popular and convenient way to dive as many sites as possible in this vast oceanic region are numerous liveaboard cruises, using a wide variety of vessels, even impressive traditional 3-mast Schooners, resembling floating boutique resorts with luxurious cabins.

“This group of majestic islands, located in the northwestern tip of Papua, lies in the heart of the coral triangle, the most bio-diverse marine region on earth”


The spectacular island of Sulawesi is a real adventure destination.

This enormous island has much to offer the visitor from extraordinary unique cultures, to an under-explored mountainous hinterland, and several truly world class diving spots.

“The spectacular island of Sulawesi is a real adventure destination!”


The old Bugis spice trading port of Makassar is the point of arrival for travelers flying from Bali or Jakarta. Mainly used as a gateway only for excursions through South Sulawesi, with an average stay of just one night, it does have a few points of interest: Losari Beach, a long stretch of waterfront in the middle of the city with a very nice sunset view and food stalls up every night and Fort Rotterdam, an old fortress from Dutch colonial days.

“The old Bugis spice trading port of Makassar is the point of arrival for travelers flying from Bali or Jakarta”

Senkang – Lake Tempe

Sengkang, the capital of a former Bugis kingdom, this historic and bustling market town overlooking Lake Tempe retains its traditional character, as well as many old cultural traditions, dance, and a traditional orchestra. Nearby Lake Tempe, the largest lake on Sulawesi, is a shallow lake fringed by wetlands and a large population of birdlife. Lake Tempe is the place to be for ornithologists. Go by long tail boat on the huge lake to visit a traditional floating house.


An eight-hour drive through stunning coastal and mountain scenery leads to Tana Toraja, the highland region of a unique and mystical culture. Sightseeing includes the traditional Toraja houses, set on stilts with soaring boat-shaped roofs and decorated with buffalo horns, obtained during ritual sacrifice. The Toraja folk place their dead in coffins perched in caves carved into towering cliffs, with carved wooden figures of the deceased placed in balconies overlooking the landscape. The local arts and crafts, lively markets and cultural performances are also memorable features of this original destination.

Manado – Minahasa Highlands – Tangkoko

Manado city is the provincal capital of North Sulawesi and the starting point for exploration of the Minahasa region’s many attractions. Fun-loving and extroverted, the Minahasa people live in neat wood frame houses, with fences and flower gardens, giving Manado a European feel. Those with an adventurous palate should try the famously hot and spicy Minahasa cuisine. Inland from Manado, a trip through the Minahasa Highlands will take you to intriguing prehistoric above-ground burial sites, volcanoes, hot springs, the highland lake Tondano and breathtaking panoramas of lush mountains, coffee and coconut plantations, orchid gardens and terraced hillsides. From Manado, also be sure to visit Tangkoko National Park, home to birds and other wildlife unique to Sulawesi, such as the Tarsier – the smallest monkey on earth, cus cus, Hornbill etc.

Bunaken Marine Nationalpark

Bunaken, 45 to 60 minutes by boat from Manado, is one of Indonesia’s most famous diving and snorkeling areas. In addition to Bunaken Island itself, the 890 km2 of marine national park includes the neighbouring islands of Manadoa Tua (a distinctive cone-shaped extinct volcano that makes a good hiking trip), Siladen, Gangga, Montehagen, Nain and Nain Kecil. So far only Gangga Island and Siladen offer accommodation on a high standard. More and more casual snorkelers are visiting the area as are those who wish to just relax immersed in nature. Gangga in particular with its fantastic South Searesembling beach quality never fails to excite even the pure leisure tourist. The park is famed for the clarity of its water (35m visibility is common in the summer dry season), the abundance of coral and fish, and for the precipitous underwater “walls” at some sites. Bunaken Timur, right off the east coast of the island and featuring all of the above, is rated by many as the single best dive site in all Indonesia.


The Togean Islands, or just the Togeans, is an archipelago of 56 pristine coral and volcanic islands and islets located in the Gulf of Tomini in Central Sulawesi. The surrounding coral reef supports a rich, diverse marine life and life over the surface, the people, consists of around seven ethnic groups. The Togeans are the only place in Indonesia where you can find all major reef types in the same place; atoll, barrier and fringing reefs.

“The Togeans are the only place in Indonesia where you can find all major reef types in the same place; atoll, barrier and fringing reefs”

Selayar Island

Selayar Island is the main island of the Selayar Islands. It lies off the coast of Cape Bira of South Sulawesi Province. Divers dominate the scene in the few resort hotels, and the most fascinating and rare underwater encounter is seeing dugong! This gentle creature never fails leaving divers in awe, nor do the over 50 well-preserved dive sites around Selayar and nearby atolls. Other activities include hiking the lush rainforest with picture-perfect waterfall and a bat cave, which can also be reached by bikes or motorcycles. Secluded white-sand beaches complete this island paradise.


Much of this 470,000 sq. km. island is still jungle-covered and habitat to increasingly rare native animals, tigers, leopard, rhino, and elephant. Orang Utans are still to be found in larger numbers and their conservation centres are the top attraction for visitors.

The island is also notable for famous Lake Toba and Samosir island, inhabited by the fascinating ethnicity of the Toba Batak ethnic group. In general, getting to experience many different and unusual local tribal cultures is maybe the most exciting point for coming here. A good example is the highland tribe of the Minangkabau, the largest matriarchal ethnicity in the world.

“Much of this 470,000 sq. km. island is still jungle-covered and habitat to increasingly rare native animals, tigers, leopard, rhino, and elephant”


Gateway to Sumatra is the relatively modern capital city, Medan. Sights here include the sultan’s palace, impressive grand mosque, colonial-era buildings of Dutch and Chinese influence. One major excursion attraction is the nearby Bukit Lawang Orang-utan Rehabilitation Centre, where visitors can see numbers of these appealingly human apes.

“One major excursion attraction is the nearby Bukit Lawang Orang-utan Rehabilitation Centre, where visitors can see numbers of these appealingly human apes”


This cool hill station, at 1,300 m, was popular with the Dutch during colonial times and lowland living Sumatrans today, is set in lush, green rolling landscapes dominated by the active volcanoes that are often included on sightseeing tours.

“This cool hill station, at 1,300 m, was popular with the Dutch during colonial times and lowland living Sumatrans today”

Parapat, Lake Toba & Samosir Island

The commercial and trading town of Parapat is the departure point for visits to Lake Toba, covering 1,700, with its Batak tribal people and culture. Set in the lake, popular for boat excursions, is a large island, Samosir, noted for its royal tombs, stone age chairs’ and megaliths, Batak-style traditional houses, multi-storey graves and hot springs, all set among fertile rice fields.

“The commercial and trading town of Parapat is the departure point for visits to Lake Toba, covering 1,700, with its Batak tribal people and culture”


The city is situated in the Minangkabau highlands and, at 930 m above sea level, enjoys a cool climate. Attractions within the city include: Lobang Jepang – a network of underground bunkers and tunnels built by the Japanese during World War II, traditional markets in downtown, a museum on Minangkabau culture in a replica traditional house, and the Dutch hilltop outpost Fort de Cock from colonial times.

“One of the attractions within the city includes: Lobang Jepang – a network of underground bunkers and tunnels built by the Japanese during World War II”


This easternmost province of Indonesia (formerly known as West Irian Jaya) comprises the western half of the island of New Guinea, the world’s largest and highest tropical island, while the eastern half is the independent country of Papua New Guinea. Papua retains many traditional cultures and is home to some of the richest biodiversity in the world.

Lorentz National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the largest protected area in the Asia-Pacific region, ranges from Papua’s southwest coast to its central mountains. Tourism concentrates in two regions, one of them being the Asmat region in southwest Papua. The region is vast, covered in primary rainforest and swamp forest, and covers approximately 1.5 million hectares. Asmat is notable both for the rich and vibrant traditional tribal culture and art as well as its globally significant biodiversity. Given the terrain, all transportation between villages must take place by canoe with an outboard motor. The other region, with easier accessibility and much easier to travel within is the Baliem Valley, which is mostly occupied by the very friendly Dani Tribe. Travelers usually arrive in Wamena by flight from Bali via Jayapura. There is authentic-style and very comfortable accommodation as a home base, making the adventurous day trips enjoyable and very much endurable for almost any age. Even very close by the accommodation there are Dani hamlets to be found, and typical day trip excursions take you by boat, on foot crossing suspension bridges over rivers, as well as some portions by safari bus to the many Dani settlements and of course deep inside the lush rainforest. Visiting colorful local markets, mountain passes with breathtaking views, and enjoying unique Dani hospitality when partaking in a traditional pig cooking festival make a trip to this unique eco-tourism destination a lifetime experience.


Clarification regarding unmarried couples in Bali Hotels

Following a wave of misleading exposure in international media in the beginning of December 2022 on this subject, the Governor of Bali released an official statement on 11. December 2022 confirming that the application of this Indonesian criminal code would not affect Bali Tourism.

“The article on adultery in the new Criminal Code that will take effect 3 years later (2025) is the Absolute Complaint Offense. This means that only husband or wife (for those who are married) or parents or children (for those who are not married) can make complaints. Other parties cannot report it, or even “playing judge” so there will be no legal process without complaints from the rightful party, who is directly harmed.” In fact, there are no substantive changes related to this article when compared to Article 284 of the old Criminal Code. The difference lies only in the addition of parties who have the right to complain and even if proven true, there are alternative sanctions of no more than 10 million Rupiah. So there’s really nothing to worry about. If all this time tourists and investors can be comfortable in Indonesia, then this condition will not change either.


The Indonesian currency is Rupiah. 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 Rp coins are available. The Rupiah notes comprise of 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000, 50,000 and 100,000 Rp notes.

You can exchange US Dollars as well as Euros or Pound Sterling, as long as these are undamaged and without writing on them. Please note that you receive a better exchange rate when exchanging bigger notes rather than smaller bills. Banks are open from Monday through to Friday until 3 PM. If you would like to withdraw cash with your credit card, your passport will be required here. Traveller checks can no longer be redeemed. Also money changers are available between 10 AM and 9 PM. But please take caution! Always make sure to count the money thoroughly. It is said that some of these money changers use calculators that show manipulated results unfavourable for the traveller. You can spot a serious money changer as these usually offer an average exchange rate and do not also sell souvenirs, clothing, tours, etc. on the side. At BMC or Money Exchange Central Kuta you can exchange your money safely.

As the Indonesian currency is subject to fluctuations, we cannot state an exact exchange rate for the Indonesian Rupiah.

For 1 Euro you can expect to receive roughly 16,000 Rp while for 1 US Dollar you will receive around 14,000 Rp. As soon as you arrive at your hotel, your travel representative will tell you the current exchange rate. It is recommendable to not exchange too much money at the money changer at the airport as the rate is usually much worse here than at other money changers. 50 US Dollars or Euros should definitely be enough to start out with.
Obviously, it is also possible to exchange money at the hotel, however, the rate is usually not quite as favourable as with the money changers.
Close to your hotel you will find plenty of ATMs, a lot of them inside Circle Ks, nearby larger super markets or inside banks.

You can usually withdraw up to 2,500,000 Rp with either 50,000 or 100,000 Rp bills. Most ATMs accept most VISA and Master Cards, some ATMs also accept debit cards, but only rarely. The accepted card types will be shown on the ATM machine. After entering your PIN number, you will be asked to enter an amount to withdraw under other amount. In the last step you will have to pick either checking, saving or credit. However, this is not important as it makes no difference whichever you choose. Afterwards either your card will come out first and then your money, or the money will be available first before it releases the card. Make sure to never forget your card!

The time difference to Central European Time is six hours during summer time and seven hours during the winter.

Travel, arrival and at the hotel

Beside your excitement to travel to this beautiful island, you need to bring a passport that is still valid for at least six months. Visitors from certain states will need a visa to enter the country. It is not permitted to bring drugs, weapons or pornographic material of any kind.
After your arrival at the airport you will have to go through immigration and customs. Your travel representative will then be waiting for you in the arrivals hall and explain to you how to get to your bus that will take you to your hotel. During the bus drive you will be given further information as well as a brochure with all the excursions that we offer and an invitation to meet the travel representative of your hotel.

When you arrive at the hotel you will be asked to fill out a registration form at the reception and will then be given your key card and breakfast vouchers, if applicable. Make sure to double check your correct name on your luggage to ensure it will be delivered to your room promptly. Please note that most hotels request a deposit upon check-in at the hotel. You can leave a cash amount with the reception or agree to have the amount blocked on your credit card.
In most cases your hotel room will have a safe. Should this not be the case, please make sure to leave your valuables inside the hotel safe at the reception.
Please do not drink water from the tap. The hotel will provide drinking water for you. If you would like to use the hotel’s laundry service, housekeeping will pick up your laundry for you. The electrical network carries 220 volt. Most rooms will have a direct-dial telephone. You will find the list with prices for phone calls, sorted by country and region, next to the phone or in the hotel information brochure.

There will also be additional information about the hotel grounds, the restaurants and the swimming pool. Towels will be available by the pool.

In case you would like to make phone calls during your holiday, keep the time difference in mind and please be aware of high roaming prices for calls. If you want to call home, you need to dial the country code first e.g. +44 if you want to call to the UK first and omit the 0 of the area code. One minute will be charged approx. 8,000 Rp, one SMS will cost you 500 Rp.

Most hotels offer international TV programmes as well as internet access, which mostly is free of charge. There will be an information board or folder from your travel representative stating detailed excursion descriptions, emergency phone numbers as well as the addresses of consulates. Please meet your travel representative during the visiting hours. Your personal travel representative will be happy to assist you with every enquiry and question you might have, provide you with information and advice of any kind and will try his/her best to make your stay as memorable as possible.


Treatment of small injuries and common discomforts such as diarrhoea, sun burn etc. is not an issue on Bali nor on Lombok. Should there be the need for larger procedures or operations, it is recommended to leave the island.
There are several hospitals in Bali, we recommend Hospital Kasih Ibu, Prima Medika and Siloam Hospital. In Lombok we recommend Rumah Sakit Harapan Keluarga.
Please inform your travel representative immediately, should you need medical assistance.
You will most likely have to pay the medical bills up front by cash or credit card. Usually your insurance will reimburse you for these costs after returning home.


When you are looking for a pharmacy or chemist in Indonesia, look out for the words apotik, pharmacy or drugstore. They are usually open until late in the evening. Most medications are sold without the need of a prescription. However, should you need a specific medicine, which you brought from home that has run out, it is advisable to bring the empty package.
The selection of medicines is not as extensive as it is in Europe and occasionally also the sell by date has long passed. Also, most Indonesian medicine is stronger than at home. Should you need any medication; we recommend to bring it with you from your home.


As there is a tropical and humid climate in Bali, loose clothes made of natural fabric are recommendable. Men and women are required to cover shoulders and knees before entering a temple, otherwise entrance is not permitted. For many temples you will need to tie a sarong around your waist. You can buy these in any shop for approx. 50,000 Rp. Usually you will also be able to rent one at the entrance of the temple for a small fee around 5,000 Rp.

Post Office

Most hotels offer both post cards and stamps. You can leave your post cards with the reception or drop them at any local post office. Delivery to Europe will usually take around two weeks.

Public Transport

In most cases travellers will already have booked a specific hotel with airport transfer with their travel agency. If you are going to the hotel on your own, you will need a taxi. After leaving the arrivals hall you can purchase a taxi voucher with fixed prices at the taxi counter. Please be aware of the private drivers offering their transportation service for usually twice the price. Do not use these services. When using a taxi, make sure to always check if the meter is on. However, the taxis leaving the airport do not have meters as they all use fixed prices. For short trips within the south of Bali we recommend using the light blue taxis called Blue Bird (Phone: +62 361 701111). They are reliable and insured. In Nusa Dua you can use Taksi Bali, which are also light blue. In order to get a taxi you can either have the hotel reception order one for you or you can stop one from the side of the road using a hand signal. For a 10-minute ride you can expect to pay approx. 40,000 Rp. We recommend to memorise the taxi number and company and also to bring a hotel card with the address for your return. If you order a taxi at the reception, ask for Blue Bird or Taksi Bali, otherwise they might try to sell you a much more expensive limousine service.

Traffic in Bali can be somewhat overwhelming. While cars drive the streets constantly honking, they are widely ignored by the many bike drivers surrounding them. It is easily possible to be stuck in traffic for an hour during rush hour in Denpasar or Kuta area, and as a foreigner you do not know the short cuts. Should you still consider renting a car, please take note of the recommendations your travel representative will give you.

The “transport…transport” phenomenon

It happens everywhere on the streets and even within the hotel premises: people ask you, if you would like to take a private tour with them or a friend. It might sound good and often the private taxi drivers will even introduce you to their families. As you arrive, you will realise that all the aunts own silver shops and the brothers sell handicrafts – and of course you are “welcome” to buy something. On top of that, private taxi drivers usually have lots and lots of families!
The most dangerous part is, however, that the cars are usually not insured and do not hold a permit to carry tourists. In order to be safe, it is recommended to book an insured car with a driver and petrol with your travel representative for 8 hours or with a tour guide.

“The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten”.


On the markets on the street and in shopping malls you will find plenty of clothes, leather products, handicraft, jewellery and antiques (Careful! Not everything is genuine!). Haggling is a must and can even be seen as some kind of sport. If you are able to speak some Indonesian you are at luck, but with English you will be fine as well. Beach vendors in the south of Bali will most likely start out with a price that is five to ten times higher than the actual price. In Kuta and Ubud vendors will usually ask for five times the price when you’re purchasing handicraft. Before buying something you should decide on a price that you are willing to pay for the product, then tell the vendor half this price for bargaining.
With this strategy you might be able to make the purchase for 30% less of what you would have been willing to pay. Only supermarkets such as Matahari, Hardy’s, Circle K or shopping malls have fixed prices. As soon as you look at a vendor’s items you are signalling interest in buying. If you are not actually interested in buying anything, it is best to not look at the products and say “Tidak, terima kasih!” (No, thank you!) while walking past.


Bali is known, for its wide range of entertainment after sunset. There are international DJs offering tourists the best experience. The Kuta party scene on Jalan Legian attracts tourists at night with happy hours, live music and especially cheap bars and night clubs, where the party goes on until dawn. If you are looking for a more upbeat and maybe fancy place, Seminyak is for you. It has evolved as a trendy and hip place for going out.


The question on how to handle tips usually causes doubt and uncertainty among travellers. Most, however, are willing to respect local practices and honour services appropriately.
As in most travel destinations, tips are also common in Bali (Lombok etc.) to show appreciation of good service and friendliness. Of course this is completely up to you, however, any staff will always be happy about a terima kasih (thank you) when you are happy with the service. On top of that, we recommend a tip for services, bell boys, waiters and room service in the amount of 10,000 to 20,000 Rp. For excursions and trips it is recommendable to pay a tip of 30,000 to 50,000 Rp to the bus driver and 50,000 to 100,000 Rp to the tour guide, counted per day and per person. Of course there is no limit. If a restaurant does not include the service charge automatically, it is recommendable to tip between 5,000 and 30,000 Rp.

Taking photos and videos

There is an abundance of exotic things and scenic panoramas to take photos of. In general people are happy for you to take photos anytime if you ask them in a friendly manner.

There are a lot of photography shops available all over the island where you can buy films and microchips. As the lighting is different to Europe, it is best to ask for advice.

Please be careful!

Bali is a very safe holiday destination. You can feel safe to walk the streets even late at night. However, it is recommendable to take some precautions. Refrain from taking larger amounts of money out of your bag and never leave your luggage unattended.

You should always leave important documents, checks and cash inside your safe. Please note that credit cards are never deposited as security. When paying with your credit card, keep an eye on it as it can occasionally happen that someone forges your signature and all of a sudden you will be charged money from a shop that you don’t even know.


Drug trafficking, in the worst case, is prosecuted with a death sentence. Even just for the possession of a few marihuana cigarettes or ecstasy pills, it can be assumed that the owner is involved in drug dealing. Even more so of course with the possession of heroin or cocaine.
Keep your distance to any person who approaches you selling any of these products. In case of an arrest the local embassy will not be able to help you.
It is also advisable to never take any letters or packages for someone.
A personal recommendation Europe is a perfect continent (sometimes even working too correctly) and people tend to assume that this is the case in other countries as well. When travelling, especially to southern countries and the tropics, they will soon be proven otherwise. There is a certain phenomenon taking place here, in which the time assumes a different speed. So please do not take time references too seriously, the precise European rules:

Did you empty your safe?
Did you pay for all extras at the hotel cashier?
Did you tip the staff?
Does the bell boy already have your luggage and name?
Do you have the following items in your hand luggage: money, passport, flight ticket, credit card, mobile phone, car and house keys?
Do you have items you would like to claim a VAT refund for?

Remember to take out any prohibited items from your hand luggage.
After arriving at the airport please proceed to the check-in counter where you will be issued your boarding pass. In case you have a connecting flight, please be informed that your luggage will be checked through to your final destination automatically.

The boarding pass will mention the gate number. Please proceed to the departure hall and wait for your flight to be announced.

We hope you have a pleasant flight!

A personal recommendation

Europe is a perfect continent (sometimes even working too correctly) and people tend to assume that this is the case in other countries as well. When travelling, especially to southern countries and the tropics, they will soon be proven otherwise. There is a certain phenomenon taking place here, in which the time assumes a different speed. So please do not take time references too seriously, the precise European rules do not apply here. It is rather replaced by spontaneous improvisation as well as a warm and friendly zest for life. Balinese people don’t get upset over the small things that can get Europeans angry easily.

Remember this, when you’re stuck in traffic, you need to wake up the bus driver first, there is a blackout or no hot water, the receptionist doesn’t speak your language, an important fax or document gets delivered to you too late, etc., etc.

Enjoy the atmosphere of this special, magical world, be generous and sometimes turn a blind eye. The Balinese would most likely not understand your anger anyway, as these situations are part of everyday life for the local people.
What is there for you to do? Smile! Just give everyone a wide smile and you will see that almost any problem disappears as if by magic. With this positive attitude, almost anything can happen on the Island of the Gods Bali.
Enjoy different countries with different customs!
Just like in the rest of the world, also here it is recommended to eat in restaurants with many guests. Hotel restaurants are usually more expensive than individual restaurants on the street. Lots of restaurants display their menu out front for you to see the dishes and prices. The prices are usually subject to a 21% surcharge (11% tax and 10% service charge). For great service a small tip will be appreciated, this can be approx. 5% of the total bill.

Customs and practices

It’s often just small things that can easily be avoided that can truly insult or shock a Balinese. For example, it is not accepted to point at someone or something with your index finger, you use your thumb for this. Also, the left hand is unsanitary. You should therefore never give someone your left hand, accept anything with your left hand, let alone eat with your left hand.
You can often see it on the streets, people of the same sex hugging each other, but without any sexual intentions.
Public display of affection between men and women is seen as being shameless and bad. It’s also indecent to cross your legs, show the bare soles of your feet and to point your feet in the direction of a Balinese. You should also not touch the head of a Hindu.
Before entering a temple, you are required to tie a yellow scarf around your waist. This is a symbol of supressing any physical desires of the body. Balinese and foreign women need to cover shoulders and knees. During menstruation women are not allowed to enter the temples. A believer, who does not respect this and enters the temple nonetheless, risks an unpleasant meeting with supernatural forces. This may sound weird, however, such incidents have actually been recorded in Bali.

Special occasions


There are rituals and ceremonies celebrating each and every stage of a Balinese life. The first one takes place shortly after birth, where placenta, umbilical cord, blood and water are buried with offerings in the family’s garden. It is supposed to calm the spirits and protect the new-born child.
There are four basic names for every Balinese child. The first is called Wayan or Putu, the second Kadek, the third Nyoman or Komang and the forth Ketut. If a family has more than four children the names start again from the first.
After 210 days, which is half of the Balinese calendar, great festivities are held at the ancestral temple. Further birthdays do not have as much meaning.


All Balinese are expected to get married. Despite being Hindu, the parents do not choose the partner. However, there are strict rules within the castes.
There are two different kinds of marriage, mapadik and ngorod. With the former, the groom’s family goes to visit the young woman’s family. The second is a bit more adventurous and also more fun. The groom ‘kidnaps’ his bride. Other than loudly protesting she does not show much resistance.
The parents “look for her without finding even a trace” and have to accept the fait accompli. After the wedding couple returns to the village a large festival is held and the marriage is accepted.


Among all the celebrations there are for the different stages in life of a Balinese, the cremation is the most important and also largest one. With the cremation, ngaben, the deceased is sent to the “next” life. An astrologer decides on which day the ritual needs to be held. Family members of the highest caste usually get cremated within the first three days after death.
However, as the cremation is extremely costly, the average people burry the deceased and wait, sometimes for years, to have a mass cremation. On this day, the family digs up the body and places it in a coffin, which then is placed in a sarcophagus. These constructions usually take the form of a temple or sometimes of a buffalo and are made of paper and wood. The men carry the coffin on their shoulders to the place of cremation. The more important the person, the higher the tower. If the deceased is a priest or raja, hundreds of men carry the coffin. The procession does not follow a straight line, much more swinging from left to right and in circles, in order to confuse the evil spirits that are trying to approach the body.
Finally, the cremation of the sarcophagus takes place on a pyre. The Balinese faith states that the fire is necessary in order to free the soul from the earthly body and to induce reincarnation.

Food and beverage

“Bali’s stunning beauty and dynamic culture have only become popular for the first time in 1930, when adventurous colonialists, artists and the International Jet Set, back then by boat, came to the island”, said Swiss gourmet chef Heinz von Holzen, who opened the famous restaurant “Bumbu Bali” in Benoa and offers cooking classes to people from around the globe.

“Ever since the beginning of mass tourism in the seventies hundreds of thousands of travellers have come to the Island of the Gods. However, most leave this place without even once having eaten real Balinese cuisine.”
This is actually very sad as the traditional Balinese cuisine is just as unique and diverse as the island itself and cannot be compared to any other cuisine in the world. The preparation of the dishes is usually done in woks and with charcoal and can be very time-consuming. It could actually also be seen as a sacred act as on many days during the year the Balinese cook delicious menus for the gods. These are taken to the temples as offerings in order to calm the gods.
And with the same passion and love they prepare the food for their hungry guests: with fruit, vegetables, sardines, lobster, tuna, mackerel, duck, chicken, beef and pork.
It is true that rice is the main part of any Balinese dish. Padi is the most important food of the island. A dish without nasi, which is the name of cooked or fried rice, is pretty much unimaginable for the people here. With this there are different kinds of rice with different colours as well as different ways of preparation. Thus, rice does not equal rice.
The numerous exotic spices lend their recognisable taste to the dishes: chili, ginger, cinnamon or lemon grass, to name a few.
Delicacies are for example babi guling, which is suckling pig fried on a stick, filled with chili, garlic and ginger. Then there is bebek betutu, duck filled with spices and wrapped in banana leaves, or local satay skewers, such as sate lilit.

Food is served in so called warungs, which are small cafes and restaurants on the side of the streets. However, no traveller to Bali will have to go without eating their known and loved food. Beside Asian delicacies, there are plenty of international restaurants such as Italian, Spanish and Mexican, French cuisine or much more. In case you are a true fan of America, you can munch away at McDonald’s.
Indonesia is known for its outstanding kopi tubruk or kopi susu, coffee with milk, and iced fruit juices Any kind of alcohol is also available, such as local and imported beer as well as wine that has been brewed on the island (brem), rice wine (tuak), palm wine and arak (distilled palm wine).

Just like in the rest of the world, also here it is recommended to eat in restaurants with many guests. Hotel restaurants are usually more expensive than individual restaurants on the street. Lots of restaurants display their menu out front for you to see the dishes and prices. The prices are usually subject to a 21% surcharge (11% tax and 10% service charge). For great service a small tip will be appreciated, this can be approx. 5% of the total bill.


The climate of Indonesia is almost entirely tropical. The uniformly warm waters that make up 81% of Indonesia’s area ensures that temperatures on land remain fairly constant, with the coastal plains averaging 28 °C, the inland and mountain areas averaging 26 °C, and the higher mountain regions, 23 °C. Temperature varies little from season to season, and Indonesia experiences relatively little change in the length of daylight hours from one season to the next.

The main variable of Indonesia’s climate is not temperature or air pressure, but rainfall. The area’s relative humidity ranges between 70% and 90%. Although air temperature changes little from season to season or from one region to the next, cooler temperatures prevail at higher elevations. In general, temperatures drop approximately 1°C per 90-meter increase in elevation from sea level with some high-altitude interior mountain regions experiencing night frosts.

Being a tropical country, Indonesia has just two seasons, the rainy (or green season) and dry, both of which are relative. While there is significant regional variation, in most of the country (including Java and Bali) the dry season is April to October, while the wet season is November to March. However, global warming has made the seasons less predictable.
As the Indonesian archipelago is wide-stretched as large as Europe (from Portugal to Ural), there are many local variations of the weather. Generally, the eastern part of Indonesia gets less rainfall than the western part of the archipelago and the rainy season is also belated compared to the indicated months.

April – October: Dry season with plenty of sunshine and high level of humidity. Ending of October often brings along the beginning of the rainy season and pleasantly cloudy afternoons.

November – March: Green season. After begin of the monsoon rains the previously arid nature in certain areas of the archipelago starts to get green and many trees start to flower.

The Team in Indonesia

Marika Gloeckler
Marika GloecklerGeneral Manager
I am Austrian and have been living in Bali and working for the company since 1993. I overlook our product portfolio and development as well as our contracting and purchasing.
Jiri Panek
Jiri PanekProduct & Account Manager
I am from Czech Republic, living in Indonesia since 1999 and joined the company in March 2001. I have been working as hotel representative and in tailor made product department. Since January 2019 fully involved in product department.
Robert Schadler
Robert SchadlerService Manager - European Market
I am from Germany and have been living in Java and Bali for several years. In the Service Department I take care of ensuring highest quality guest services.
Grace Fuldner
Grace Fuldner Service Manager - Customer Experience
As a German native with over 9 years of experience in the travel industry, I am responsible for overseeing all aspects of guest experiences. We aim to ensure seamless operations, deliver exceptional services, and prioritize overall customer satisfaction, making each holiday unforgettable.
Tude Swadharma
Tude SwadharmaBusiness Development Manager
Born and raised in Bali, I joined in 2023 with a hospitality management and business development background. Having lived in Switzerland and the Netherlands and fluent in French, I bring a global perspective to my role. My current objective: enhance our services and drive future growth.
Putu Norbert
Putu NorbertContracting Manager
Born in Bali, my enduring passion for travel and extensive background in hospitality enable me to contribute significantly to the company’s growth, leveraging innovative strategies to exceed our client’s expectations.
Michael Terenyi
Michael TerenyiStrategic and Analytics Manager
Originating from Bali, with a background in Digital Media and a foundation in Interaction Design, I am prepared to bring a unique perspective to the travel industry. I aim to bolster the company’s online presence, fostering growth and delivering standout experiences to our clients.
Suhariyanti (Yanti)
Suhariyanti (Yanti)Operation Supervisor
I am with the company since 1997. My responsibilities are coordinating the operations teams, as well as scheduling and issuing the orders for guides and transfers.
Gede Arya Arnam
Gede Arya ArnamAssistant Operations Supervisor
I have been with the company since 2007. My responsibilities are scheduling excursions, issuing the job orders and assigning our guides.
Wayan Mirdawati
Wayan MirdawatiReservation Supervisor
I have been working with the company 15 years already. My responsibilities are controlling bookings and handling the stop sales information. Main duties are handling reservations and communicating stop sales information.
Dewa Gede Putra Negara
Dewa Gede Putra NegaraAssistant Reservation Supervisor
I have been working with the company and our reservation team since 2007. My colleagues in the operation and I handle the excursion bookings and assign the guides.
Ni Wayan Warsi (Warsi)
Ni Wayan Warsi (Warsi)Accounting Supervisor
I have been working with Go Vacation Indonesia since 1994. My main responsibility is to supervise all the accounting tasks to be in accordance with the valid regulations.
Abu Cholis
Abu CholisIT Supervisor
I have been working for the company since 2007. My specialists and I overlook all IT related matters in our company.